cogito cogito ergo cogito sum
Wishes for the new year
Published on January 2, 2009 By ins11 In PC Gaming

Dear Games Developer & Publisher using Tages Activation



Happy new year.




on Jan 02, 2009

I've only heard of Deep Silver (publishers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Clear Sky) using Tages. If you're implying that Stardock uses it, you are mistaken.

on Jan 02, 2009

Wow! Talk about a misdirected vent!

Wrong bat time, wrong bat channel...

And this guy has been a SD member for years according to his profile. Strange...

on Jan 05, 2009

Why would you assume it's directed at Stardock, rather than as a sort of call-to-arms for those who, being Stardock fans, know how much better things can be done?

on Jan 05, 2009

But still, I agree with the sentiment.

on Jan 06, 2009

My first guess would be he found a game on Impulse which used Tages. Tages doesn't have nearly the reputation of SecuROM or Starforce but it still makes you jump through the same hoop.

on Jan 10, 2009

Was not aimed at Stardock, since my experiences with them have been nothing with positive. As well as them having a positive "karma".

However it was aimed at games developers like Egosoft, and publishers like Valve who in addition to using the silly Steam encryption and time-consumer decided that Egosoft should throw in their copy restriction as well, on a game I wanted to purchase.

At least I saved the money