cogito cogito ergo cogito sum
Are a waste of time?
Published on September 26, 2004 By ins11 In Life Journals
Today I've been discussion the labels "terrorist" and "militant" and how they can be applied to different people.

1. On one side, there are those that say the labels we are told from the media or the labels we
choose to apply ourselves are the 'universal truth' wrt labels.

2. On the other side there are those who say that our sides labels may be the complete opposite
of what the opposition choose to label, thus such labeling is of no concern.

It seems that a lot of people hang to the idea of 1. I do not.

It would be nice if everyone could be enlightened and know the pure truth, without
our beliefs, upbringing, social networks, media and outside influence polluting that
truth. Maybe I can be enlightened by playing some Burnout 3.

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