cogito cogito ergo cogito sum
Published on January 30, 2009 By ins11 In PC Gaming

Why is DRM a good thing you may ask yourself?

The answer is simple:

More such implementations will surely manage to piss of enough consumers that they go over to a totally DRM'ed solution/lockdown system such as the XBOX 360 Console (Which lets you install games to hard drive, but NOT play without the game cd) and the Playstation 3 (If it ever got any content... ).

The trick is to make one platform so undesirable and unrewarding that the consumers will flock to another even more destructive and damaging platform, simply because it is easier to use --- and easier for companies behind it to make the customer lose sight of the rights they lose.

And the best part in all this:
Those who did not BUY the DRM'ed product will be able to play GoW, even after January 28th 2009.


Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 10, 2009

As for how long people tend to play games:

Suffice to say I just finished re-playing Wizardry 6 and 7.

on Feb 10, 2009

News like this makes me love Stardock even more.

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