So, after being rather 'lax' when it comes to "closely" following Microsoft betas for the past few years... (ever since I started working with their software as a fulltime job really...) I decided it was time to get up to speed with the recent Windows 7.
And lo and behold, I discover that January 9th was the day that build 7000 (beta 1) would be made available for Joe Public (or user in this case).
I happily click the most prominent link I could find, only to discover that I was too late, and the site had crashed already.
Now I am stuck with a RSS updater trying to get a 'thunderbirds are go!' message from The Windows Blog as well as checking the TechNet site, where the download link was previously posted.
Luckily with some GoogleFu I was able to find a download link through HardOCP
But as it turns out, the 32-bit version from Microsoft must be heavily used, as the download gets interrupted repeatedly. Luckily thanks to Opera (The #1 Browser.. if only it was as stable as Google Chrome) I am at least able to resume it. Funny thing is the x64 version downloaded without any hick-ups. Is that a sign that tells me that people are STILL using 32-bit operating systems? I would have assumed that the 'enthusiasts' who would/should be the ones throwing themselves at this beta were using a 64 bit capable CPU and would like to 'benefit' from that.
So now I just have to find some spare time to install it, and possibly trash my 3 other OS installations (Vista32,64 and XP64).
Funny side note #1 is that the 7000 build was available on torrent sites for a long time, as well as a activation crack.
Funny side note #2 is that the torrent download was faster than Microsofts Akamai download..
Pondering Side note #1 is that, why did not MS use torrent technology to distribute it? If it works for Blizzard with WoW clients, it should work for Micro$oft?